Installations |
Bibel versus Quran (2011), a context-specific wall engraving at Kunstverein Leverkusen Schloss Morsbroich. The wall engraving writes literally into the surface of the structural building parts of the Kunstverein. The work is a comparative study. It examines the violent content of two religious texts, the Bible and the Koran. How set in stone is the Old Testament a call for violence against a synoptic no less violent verse from the Koran. However mirrored material, as positive-negative method, the line of text from the Koran lies as a thin, fragile skin on the wall and thus illustrates the different cultural coding and interpretation of religions. |
Tell (2008), performative installation with a quote from Martin Luther's table talks The apple is an ancient symbol of the earth in all cultures; a symbol of love, fertility, the female principle and life. An old legend, which continuously appears throughout different cultures, tells the tale of the paradise tree whose fruits should give immortality. In the history of human creation the apple is not mentioned – the bible does not name the fruit of the tree of cognition. |
The Paradise Apple (2008) Installations videos and performances, Lutheran Church, Cologne (Lutherkirche, Köln Südstadt), October 19th – November 9th 2008. In my solo exhibition at the Lutheran Church in Cologne, I explored the particular intersection between art and (Christian) religion in relation to the meaning and purpose of symbols. Humans have always been very successful in directing thoughts and behaviours of others through the use of symbols and signs, as we react almost intuitively to these non-verbal, suggestive means of communication. Solo exhibition, Luther Church, Cologne (see next pages)
Family Unity (2008) was shown on the first floor room of the tower. 613 seeds of a pomegranate were placed on the floor to form a symbol for unity and solidarity of the mother – father – child. One pomegranate holds 613 seeds, the same number of laws as in the Old Testament. |
In room four, on the third floor of the tower, the installation Sweetening (2008) released the strong smell of apples into the air. Apple sauce bubbled in a large, old cooking pot on a hot |
![]() Home sweet home (1994), interactive audioinstallation |
Home sweet home (1994), interactive audioinstallation Composition of different pitches with aircraft noises. Once the viewer is under the object, the sound of jet turbines penetrate to him. The composition of aircraft noises is sometimes, timidly musically and then blaring violent. Material: Material: aluminum, iron, steel cable, 4 speakers, 2 amp, 4-track cassette recorder, 2 audio decks, 2 audio cassettes (loop) |